It's nice to see that with the recent rash of police...possible "slight" overreaction to things like BB guns and 12 year olds playing with toys, in this case restraint has won the day.
This time the cop gets shot four time and isn't even arrested. See, they really are listening to the national outrage, and beginning to act in a more measured way.
Now some people, people who choose to make everything about race, may notice that there are certain....statistical....anomalies about who gets shot and who does the shooting and who gets called thug and who gets told to respect the police and who gets a pass....on even being arrested. These cynical cynics might try to cynically point out that Whites sure do get a lot more slack than Blacks when they encounter any aspect of the criminal justice system.
Those people clearly haven't accepted that we're past all that. This is a post racial utopia...
....goddamn it
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